Friday, February 1, 2013

Newts and Noses

This week we went over the letter N, number 8 and the five senses.  We explored all of our senses by smelling new scents, trying new foods and trying to identify an object with only our hands.  We even painted our newts with kool-aid so they would smell deliciously fruity.  We also made our names out of colorful noodles and on Friday we made necklaces. 

Just a reminder calendars and newsletters did get put in folders this week, so be sure to look them over so you know what is going on.

Valentines Day is coming up so for those of you who are already making their valentines here are the number and ratio of kids in our classes:

Mon-Wed AM :17 total, 9 boys, 8 girls
Mon-Wed PM : 18 total, 8 boys, 10 girls
Tues-Thurs AM : 16 total, 10 boys, 6 girls
Tues-Thurs PM : 16 total, 10 boys, 6 girls